rack extension

Silent Way Voice Controller Rack Extension released

The first Silent Way Rack Extension (and indeed, the first ever Expert Sleepers Rack Extension) is now released.

Silent Way Voice Controller allows you to control your analog synths directly from Reason, in conjunction with a DC-coupled audio interface or an Expert Sleepers hardware module. Think of it as a MIDI/CV converter on steroids - but one that is sample accurate, free of jitter, and which automatically calibrates for perfect tuning. The Voice Controller is the first element of the renowned Silent Way suite to become a Rack Extension. Look out for others joining it soon!

Available now from the Propellerheads Shop.

Silent Way Rack Extension coming soon

Silent Way Rack Extension Teaser on Vimeo.

Silent Way Voice Controller, part of the Silent Way plug-in suite, will soon be available as a Rack Extension for Propellerhead Reason.

Silent Way offers deep control over analog synthesizers direct from your DAW.

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